
Molecular analysis of human endometrium: short-term tibolone signaling differs significantly from estrogen and estrogen + progestagen signaling

Tibolone, a tissue-selective compound with a combination of estrogenic, progestagenic, and androgenic properties, is used as an alternative for estrogen or estrogen plus progesterone hormone therapy for the treatment of symptoms associated with menopause and osteoporosis. The current study compares...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Hanifi-Moghaddam, P., Boers-Sijmons, B., Klaassens, A. H. A., van Wijk, F. H., den Bakker, M. A., Ott, M. C., Shipley, G. L., Verheul, H. A. M., Kloosterboer, H. J., Burger, C. W., Blok, L. J.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Springer-Verlag 2007
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