
Remobilization of leaf S compounds and senescence in response to restricted sulphate supply during the vegetative stage of oilseed rape are affected by mineral N availability

The impact of sulphur limitation on the remobilization of endogenous S compounds during the rosette stage of oilseed rape, and the interactions with N availability on these processes, were examined using a long-term (34)SO(4)(2−) labelling method combined with a study of leaf senescence progression...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Dubousset, L., Abdallah, M., Desfeux, A. S., Etienne, P., Meuriot, F., Hawkesford, M. J., Gombert, J., Ségura, R., Bataillé, M-P., Rezé, S., Bonnefoy, J., Ameline, A. F., Ourry, A., Dily, F. Le, Avice, J. C.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2009
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