
Birth Weight, Body Silhouette Over the Life Course, and Incident Diabetes in 91,453 Middle-Aged Women From the French Etude Epidemiologique de Femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale (E3N) Cohort

OBJECTIVE: Obesity and increases in body weight in adults are considered to be among the most important risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Low birth weight is also associated with a higher diabetes incidence. We aimed to examine to what extent the evolution of body shape, from childhood to adulthood,...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: de Lauzon-Guillain, Blandine, Balkau, Beverley, Charles, Marie-Aline, Romieu, Isabelle, Boutron-Ruault, Marie-Christine, Clavel-Chapelon, Françoise
Formato: Texto
Publicado: American Diabetes Association 2010
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