
In vitro evaluation of baseline and induced DNA damage in human sperm exposed to benzo[a]pyrene or its metabolite benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide, using the comet assay

Exposure to genotoxins may compromise DNA integrity in male reproductive cells, putting future progeny at risk for developmental defects and diseases. To study the usefulness of sperm DNA damage as a biomarker for genotoxic exposure, we have investigated cellular and molecular changes induced by ben...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Sipinen, V., Laubenthal, J., Baumgartner, A., Cemeli, E., Linschooten, J. O., Godschalk, R. W. L., Van Schooten, F. J., Anderson, D., Brunborg, G.
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2010
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