
Defining Hypo-Methylated Regions of Stem Cell-Specific Promoters in Human iPS Cells Derived from Extra-Embryonic Amnions and Lung Fibroblasts

BACKGROUND: Human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are currently used as powerful resources in regenerative medicine. During very early developmental stages, DNA methylation decreases to an overall low level at the blastocyst stage, from which embryonic stem cells are derived.Therefore, pluripot...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Nishino, Koichiro, Toyoda, Masashi, Yamazaki-Inoue, Mayu, Makino, Hatsune, Fukawatase, Yoshihiro, Chikazawa, Emi, Takahashi, Yoriko, Miyagawa, Yoshitaka, Okita, Hajime, Kiyokawa, Nobutaka, Akutsu, Hidenori, Umezawa, Akihiro
Formato: Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2010
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