
A cross-sectional investigation of regional patterns of diet and cardio-metabolic risk in India

BACKGROUND: The role of diet in India's rapidly progressing chronic disease epidemic is unclear; moreover, diet may vary considerably across North-South regions. METHODS: The India Health Study was a multicenter study of men and women aged 35-69, who provided diet, lifestyle, and medical histor...

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Autores principales: Daniel, Carrie R, Prabhakaran, Dorairaj, Kapur, Kavita, Graubard, Barry I, Devasenapathy, Niveditha, Ramakrishnan, Lakshmy, George, Preethi S, Shetty, Hemali, Ferrucci, Leah M, Yurgalevitch, Susan, Chatterjee, Nilanjan, Reddy, KS, Rastogi, Tanuja, Gupta , Prakash C, Mathew, Aleyamma, Sinha, Rashmi
Formato: Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2011
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