
Analysis of the unique structural and physicochemical properties of the DraD/AfaD invasin in the context of its belonging to the family of chaperone/usher type fimbrial subunits

BACKGROUND: DraD invasin encoded by the dra operon possesses a classical structure characteristic to fimbrial subunits of the chaperone/usher type. The Ig-fold of the DraD possesses two major characteristics distinguishing it from the family of fimbrial subunits: 1) a distortion of the β-barrel stru...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Piątek, Rafał J, Bruździak, Piotr, Zalewska-Piątek, Beata M, Wojciechowski, Marek A, Namieśnik, Justyna M, Kur, Józef W
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2011
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