
FACIL: Fast and Accurate Genetic Code Inference and Logo

Motivation: The intensification of DNA sequencing will increasingly unveil uncharacterized species with potential alternative genetic codes. A total of 0.65% of the DNA sequences currently in Genbank encode their proteins with a variant genetic code, and these exceptions occur in many unrelated taxa...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Dutilh, Bas E., Jurgelenaite, Rasa, Szklarczyk, Radek, van Hijum, Sacha A.F.T., Harhangi, Harry R., Schmid, Markus, de Wild, Bart, Françoijs, Kees−Jan, Stunnenberg, Hendrik G., Strous, Marc, Jetten, Mike S.M., Op den Camp, Huub J.M., Huynen, Martijn A.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2011
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