
Modeling the Impact of Integrating HIV and Outpatient Health Services on Patient Waiting Times in an Urban Health Clinic in Zambia

BACKGROUND: Rapid scale up of HIV treatment programs in sub-Saharan Africa has refueled the long-standing health policy debate regarding the merits and drawbacks of vertical and integrated system. Recent pilots of integrating outpatient and HIV services have shown an improvement in some patient outc...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Deo, Sarang, Topp, Stephanie M., Garcia, Ariel, Soldner, Mallory, Yagci Sokat, Kezban, Chipukuma, Julien, Wamulume, Chibesa S., Reid, Stewart E., Swann, Julie
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2012
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