
Vezatin, an integral membrane protein of adherens junctions, is required for the sound resilience of cochlear hair cells

Loud sound exposure is a significant cause of hearing loss worldwide. We asked whether a lack of vezatin, an ubiquitous adherens junction protein, could result in noise-induced hearing loss. Conditional mutant mice bearing non-functional vezatin alleles only in the sensory cells of the inner ear (ha...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bahloul, Amel, Simmler, Marie-Christine, Michel, Vincent, Leibovici, Michel, Perfettini, Isabelle, Roux, Isabelle, Weil, Dominique, Nouaille, Sylvie, Zuo, Jian, Zadro, Cristina, Licastro, Danilo, Gasparini, Paolo, Avan, Paul, Hardelin, Jean-Pierre, Petit, Christine
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: WILEY-VCH Verlag 2009
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