
Bartonella and Rickettsia in arthropods from the Lao PDR and from Borneo, Malaysia()

Rickettsioses and bartonelloses are arthropod-borne diseases of mammals with widespread geographical distributions. Yet their occurrence in specific regions, their association with different vectors and hosts and the infection rate of arthropod-vectors with these agents remain poorly studied in Sout...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kernif, Tahar, Socolovschi, Cristina, Wells, Konstans, Lakim, Maklarin B., Inthalad, Saythong, Slesak, Günther, Boudebouch, Najma, Beaucournu, Jean-Claude, Newton, Paul N., Raoult, Didier, Parola, Philippe
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier Science Ltd 2012
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