
The Effect of Geographical Scale of Sampling on DNA Barcoding

Eight years after DNA barcoding was formally proposed on a large scale, CO1 sequences are rapidly accumulating from around the world. While studies to date have mostly targeted local or regional species assemblages, the recent launch of the global iBOL project (International Barcode of Life), highli...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bergsten, Johannes, Bilton, David T., Fujisawa, Tomochika, Elliott, Miranda, Monaghan, Michael T., Balke, Michael, Hendrich, Lars, Geijer, Joja, Herrmann, Jan, Foster, Garth N., Ribera, Ignacio, Nilsson, Anders N., Barraclough, Timothy G., Vogler, Alfried P.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2012
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