
Human mitochondrial ferritin improves respiratory function in yeast mutants deficient in iron–sulfur cluster biogenesis, but is not a functional homologue of yeast frataxin

We overexpressed human mitochondrial ferritin in frataxin-deficient yeast cells (Δyfh1), but also in another mutant affected in [Fe-S] assembly (Δggc1). Ferritin was correctly processed and expressed in the mitochondria of these cells, but the fraction of total mitochondrial iron bound to ferritin w...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Sutak, Robert, Seguin, Alexandra, Garcia-Serres, Ricardo, Oddou, Jean-Louis, Dancis, Andrew, Tachezy, Jan, Latour, Jean-Marc, Camadro, Jean-Michel, Lesuisse, Emmanuel
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Blackwell Publishing Inc 2012
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