
CYP98A22, a phenolic ester 3’-hydroxylase specialized in the synthesis of chlorogenic acid, as a new tool for enhancing the furanocoumarin concentration in Ruta graveolens

BACKGROUND: Furanocoumarins are molecules with proven therapeutic properties and are produced in only a small number of medicinal plant species such as Ruta graveolens. In vivo, these molecules play a protective role against phytophageous insect attack. Furanocoumarins are members of the phenylpropa...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Karamat, Fazeelat, Olry, Alexandre, Doerper, Sébastien, Vialart, Guilhem, Ullmann, Pascaline, Werck-Reichhart, Danièle, Bourgaud, Frédéric, Hehn, Alain
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2012
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