
Quality of Life and Urban / Rural Living: Preliminary Results of a Community Survey in Italy

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this population-based study is to examine the association between subjective quality of life and rural/urban residence in six Italian regions, including age and gender into the analysis. METHODS: STUDY DESIGN: community survey. STUDY POPULATION: Samples stratified accordin...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: MG, Carta, E, Aguglia, F, Caraci, L, Dell'Osso, G, Di Sciascio, F, Drago, E, Del Giudice, C, Faravelli, MC, Hardoy, ME, Lecca, MF, Moro, S, Calò, M, Casacchia, MC, Angermeyer, M, Balestrieri
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Bentham Open 2012
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