
Arabin Cerclage Pessary as a Treatment of an Acute Urinary Retention in a Pregnant Woman with Uterine Prolapse

A 35-year-old gravida 7, para 1, and abortus 5 female with hypogastric pain and inability to void urine after 14 + 3 weeks of amenorrhea was examined in the emergency department. One year before, a uterine prolapse had been diagnosed in another hospital. Examination showed a uterine prolapse grade 2...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Martínez-Varea, Alicia, Nohales-Alfonso, Francisco, Diago Almela, Vicente José, Perales-Marín, Alfredo
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2013
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