
The Use of Antidepressants in the Long-Term Treatment Should not Improve the Impact of Fibromyalgia on Quality of Life

BACKGROUND: Antidepressant (AD) drugs are effective in the short term treatment of fibromyalgia (FM). It may be useful to study the long-term impact of AD on patients with FM. METHODS: One-year follow-up study on 23 females with FM divided into groups on AD (ADg-N=7), and not taking AD (NADg-N=11)....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Carta, MG, Ruggiero, V, Sancassiani, F, Cutrano, F, Manca, AR, Peri, M, Fais, A, Cacace, E
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Bentham Open 2013
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