
Neural Epidermal Growth Factor-Like Like Protein 2 (NELL2) Promotes Aggregation of Embryonic Carcinoma P19 Cells by Inducing N-Cadherin Expression

NELL2 was first identified as a mammalian homolog of chick NEL (Neural EGF-like) protein. It is almost exclusively expressed in neurons of the rat brain and has been suggested to play a role in neural differentiation. However, there is still no clear evidence for the detailed function of NELL2 in th...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kim, Dong Hee, Kim, Han Rae, Choi, Eun Jung, Kim, Dong Yeol, Kim, Kwang Kon, Kim, Byung Sam, Park, Jeong Woo, Lee, Byung Ju
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2014
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