
Problematization of perspectives on health promotion and empowerment in mental health nursing—Within the research network “MeHNuRse” and the Horatio conference, 2012

Mental illness is increasing worldwide, while society's response seems to be a trend toward narrower and more specialized mental health care. This development is creating great demands on mental health nurses to include a health promotion perspective in care and support of persons with mental i...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Jönsson, Patrik D., Nunstedt, Håkan, Berglund, Inger J., Ahlström, Britt H., Hedelin, Birgitta, Skärsäter, Ingela, Jormfeldt, Henrika
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Co-Action Publishing 2014
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