
Spores of Clostridium engineered for clinical efficacy and safety cause regression and cure of tumors in vivo

Spores of some species of the strictly anaerobic bacteria Clostridium naturally target and partially lyse the hypoxic cores of tumors, which tend to be refractory to conventional therapies. The anti-tumor effect can be augmented by engineering strains to convert a non-toxic prodrug into a cytotoxic...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Heap, John T., Theys, Jan, Ehsaan, Muhammad, Kubiak, Aleksandra M, Dubois, Ludwig, Paesmans, Kim, Van Mellaert, Lieve, Knox, Richard, Kuehne, Sarah A., Lambin, Phillipe, Minton, Nigel P.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Impact Journals LLC 2014
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