
Enduring Influence of Elizabethan Ophthalmic Texts of the 1580s: Bailey, Grassus, and Guillemeau

Three English ophthalmic texts of the 1580s were frequently republished: 1) Walter Bailey’s A Briefe Treatise Touching the Preseruation of the Eie Sight, 2) The Method of Phisicke, an adaptation of the medieval treatise of Benevenutus Grassus, and 3) A Worthy Treatise of the Eyes, a translation of J...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Leffler, Christopher T, Schwartz, Stephen G, Davenport, Byrd, Randolph, Jessica, Busscher, Joshua, Hadi, Tamer
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Bentham Open 2014
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