
Correlation Between Trough Plasma Dabigatran Concentrations and Estimates of Glomerular Filtration Rate Based on Creatinine and Cystatin C

AIMS: Dabigatran is largely cleared by renal excretion. Renal function is thus a major determinant of trough dabigatran concentrations, which correlate with the risk of thromboembolic and haemorrhagic outcomes. Current dabigatran dosing guidelines use the Cockcroft–Gault (CG) equation to gauge renal...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Chin, Paul K. L., Wright, Daniel F. B., Zhang, Mei, Wallace, Mary C., Roberts, Rebecca L., Patterson, David M., Jensen, Berit P., Barclay, Murray L., Begg, Evan J.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer International Publishing 2014
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