
HSP70-binding protein HSPBP1 regulates chaperone expression at a posttranslational level and is essential for spermatogenesis

Molecular chaperones play key roles during growth, development, and stress survival. The ability to induce chaperone expression enables cells to cope with the accumulation of nonnative proteins under stress and complete developmental processes with an increased requirement for chaperone assistance....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Rogon, Christian, Ulbricht, Anna, Hesse, Michael, Alberti, Simon, Vijayaraj, Preethi, Best, Diana, Adams, Ian R., Magin, Thomas M., Fleischmann, Bernd K., Höhfeld, Jörg
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The American Society for Cell Biology 2014
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