
The highly polymorphic CYP6M7 cytochrome P450 gene partners with the directionally selected CYP6P9a and CYP6P9b genes to expand the pyrethroid resistance front in the malaria vector Anopheles funestus in Africa

BACKGROUND: Pyrethroid resistance in the major malaria vector Anopheles funestus is rapidly expanding across Southern Africa. It remains unknown whether this resistance has a unique origin with the same molecular basis or is multifactorial. Knowledge of the origin, mechanisms and evolution of resist...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Riveron, Jacob M, Ibrahim, Sulaiman S, Chanda, Emmanuel, Mzilahowa, Themba, Cuamba, Nelson, Irving, Helen, Barnes, Kayla G, Ndula, Miranda, Wondji, Charles S
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2014
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