
Nfkb1 is a haploinsufficient DNA damage-specific tumor suppressor

NF-κB proteins play a central and subunit-specific role in the response to DNA damage. Previous work identified p50/NF-κB1 as being necessary for cytotoxicity in response to DNA alkylation damage. Given the importance of damage-induced cell death for maintenance of genomic stability, we examined whe...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Voce, David J., Schmitt, Adam M., Uppal, Abhineet, McNerney, Megan E., Bernal, Giovanna M., Cahill, Kirk E., Wahlstrom, Joshua S., Nassiri, Ashley, Yu, Xiaohong, Crawley, Clayton D., White, Kevin P., Onel, Kenan, Weichselbaum, Ralph R., Yamini, Bakhtiar
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: 2014
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