
Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma presenting as primary renal lymphoma with acute renal failure

We report a case of acute renal failure (ARF) and bilateral nephromegaly in a patient with a history of Crohn’s disease and treatment with azathioprine. Kidney biopsy revealed diffuse renal infiltration by precursor T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma (T-LBL). At the time of diagnosis, no extrarenal manif...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kwakernaak, Arjan J., Hazenberg, Mette D., Roelofs, Joris J. T. H., van Noesel, Carel J. M., van Oers, Marinus H. J., van Tellingen, Anne
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2011
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