
Gene expression patterns and environmental enrichment-induced effects in the hippocampi of mice suggest importance of Lsamp in plasticity

Limbic system associated membrane protein (Lsamp) gene is involved in behavioral adaptation in social and anxiogenic environments and has been associated with a broad spectrum of psychiatric diseases. Here we studied the activity of alternative promoters of Lsamp gene in mice in three rearing condit...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Heinla, Indrek, Leidmaa, Este, Kongi, Karina, Pennert, Airi, Innos, Jürgen, Nurk, Kaarel, Tekko, Triin, Singh, Katyayani, Vanaveski, Taavi, Reimets, Riin, Mandel, Merle, Lang, Aavo, Lilleväli, Kersti, Kaasik, Allen, Vasar, Eero, Philips, Mari-Anne
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Frontiers Media S.A. 2015
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