
Gene expression analysis of skin grafts and cultured keratinocytes using synthetic RNA normalization reveals insights into differentiation and growth control

BACKGROUND: Keratinocytes (KCs) are the most frequent cells in the epidermis, and they are often isolated and cultured in vitro to study the molecular biology of the skin. Cultured primary cells and various immortalized cells have been frequently used as skin models but their comparability to intact...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Katayama, Shintaro, Skoog, Tiina, Jouhilahti, Eeva-Mari, Siitonen, H. Annika, Nuutila, Kristo, Tervaniemi, Mari H, Vuola, Jyrki, Johnsson, Anna, Lönnerberg, Peter, Linnarsson, Sten, Elomaa, Outi, Kankuri, Esko, Kere, Juha
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2015
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