
Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of low-level laser therapy on the postoperative healing process

[Purpose] This study aimed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of intraoral application of low-level laser therapy (660 nm) to control pain, swelling and interincisal opening following the extraction of mandibular third molars. [Subjects and Methods] Ten patients underwent remova...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Fabre, Hebert S. C., Navarro, Ricardo L., Oltramari-Navarro, Paula V.P., Oliveira, Rodrigo F., Pires-Oliveira, Deise A. A., Andraus, Rodrigo A. C., Fuirini, Nelson, Fernandes, Karen B. P.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The Society of Physical Therapy Science 2015
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