
Commissioning of an Integrated Platform for Time-Resolved Treatment Delivery in Scanned Ion Beam Therapy by Means of Optical Motion Monitoring

The integrated use of optical technologies for patient monitoring is addressed in the framework of time-resolved treatment delivery for scanned ion beam therapy. A software application has been designed to provide the therapy control system (TCS) with a continuous geometrical feedback by processing...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Fattori, G., Saito, N., Seregni, M., Kaderka, R., Pella, A., Constantinescu, A., Riboldi, M., Steidl, P., Cerveri, P., Bert, C., Durante, M., Baroni, G.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: SAGE Publications 2014
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