
Thyrostimulin Regulates Osteoblastic Bone Formation During Early Skeletal Development

The ancestral glycoprotein hormone thyrostimulin is a heterodimer of unique glycoprotein hormone subunit alpha (GPA)2 and glycoprotein hormone subunit beta (GPB)5 subunits with high affinity for the TSH receptor. Transgenic overexpression of GPB5 in mice results in cranial abnormalities, but the rol...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bassett, J. H. Duncan, van der Spek, Anne, Logan, John G., Gogakos, Apostolos, Bagchi-Chakraborty, Jayashree, Murphy, Elaine, van Zeijl, Clementine, Down, Jenny, Croucher, Peter I., Boyde, Alan, Boelen, Anita, Williams, Graham R.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Endocrine Society 2015
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