
Ear Acupuncture Therapy for Masticatory Myofascial and Temporomandibular Pain: A Controlled Clinical Trial

Ear acupuncture works by reducing painful sensations with analgesic effect through microsystem therapy and has been demonstrated to be as effective as conventional therapies in the control of facial pain. This clinical trial aimed to evaluate the adjuvant action of auricular acupuncture through an o...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ferreira, Luciano Ambrosio, Grossmann, Eduardo, Januzzi, Eduardo, Gonçalves, Rafael Tardin Rosa Ferraz, Mares, Fernando Antonio Guedes, de Paula, Marcos Vinicius Queiroz, Carvalho, Antonio Carlos Pires
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2015
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