
Primary complement and antibody deficiencies in autoimmune rheumatologic diseases with juvenile onset: a prospective study at two centers

BACKGROUND: Our aim was to investigate the prevalence and clinical relevance of inherited complement and antibody deficiency states in a large series of patients with various autoimmune rheumatologic diseases (ARD) with juvenile onset. METHODS: A total number of 117 consecutive patients from 2 terti...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Spârchez, Mihaela, Lupan, Iulia, Delean, Dan, Bizo, Aurel, Damian, Laura, Muntean, Laura, Tămaș, Maria Magdalena, Bolba, Claudia, Simionescu, Bianca, Slăvescu, Cristina, Felea, Ioana, Lazăr, Călin, Spârchez, Zeno, Rednic, Simona
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2015
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