
Neutralization of the Principal Toxins from the Venoms of Thai Naja kaouthia and Malaysian Hydrophis schistosus: Insights into Toxin-Specific Neutralization by Two Different Antivenoms

Antivenom neutralization against cobra venoms is generally low in potency, presumably due to poor toxin-specific immunoreactivity. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of two elapid antivenoms to neutralize the principal toxins purified from the venoms of the Thai monocled cobra (Naja k...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Tan, Kae Yi, Tan, Choo Hock, Fung, Shin Yee, Tan, Nget Hong
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2016
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