
The association between adherence to the New Nordic Diet and diet quality

BACKGROUND: Previous studies have reported a positive association between scoring on healthy Nordic diet scales and the intake of healthy foods and nutrients, and also with higher intake of meat, sweets, cakes, and energy in general. These studies have used the same food frequency questionnaire (FFQ...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bjørnarå, Helga Birgit, Øverby, Nina Cecilie, Stea, Tonje Holte, Torstveit, Monica Klungland, Hillesund, Elisabet Rudjord, Andersen, Lene Frost, Berntsen, Sveinung, Bere, Elling
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Co-Action Publishing 2016
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