
The suppression of scale-free fMRI brain dynamics across three different sources of effort: aging, task novelty and task difficulty

There is growing evidence that fluctuations in brain activity may exhibit scale-free (“fractal”) dynamics. Scale-free signals follow a spectral-power curve of the form P(f ) ∝ f(−β), where spectral power decreases in a power-law fashion with increasing frequency. In this study, we demonstrated that...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Churchill, Nathan W., Spring, Robyn, Grady, Cheryl, Cimprich, Bernadine, Askren, Mary K., Reuter-Lorenz, Patricia A., Jung, Mi Sook, Peltier, Scott, Strother, Stephen C., Berman, Marc G.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 2016
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