
Structural Basis of Host Autophagy-related Protein 8 (ATG8) Binding by the Irish Potato Famine Pathogen Effector Protein PexRD54

Filamentous plant pathogens deliver effector proteins to host cells to promote infection. The Phytophthora infestans RXLR-type effector PexRD54 binds potato ATG8 via its ATG8 family-interacting motif (AIM) and perturbs host-selective autophagy. However, the structural basis of this interaction remai...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Maqbool, Abbas, Hughes, Richard K., Dagdas, Yasin F., Tregidgo, Nicholas, Zess, Erin, Belhaj, Khaoula, Round, Adam, Bozkurt, Tolga O., Kamoun, Sophien, Banfield, Mark J.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2016
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