
The flux qubit revisited to enhance coherence and reproducibility

The scalable application of quantum information science will stand on reproducible and controllable high-coherence quantum bits (qubits). Here, we revisit the design and fabrication of the superconducting flux qubit, achieving a planar device with broad-frequency tunability, strong anharmonicity, hi...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Yan, Fei, Gustavsson, Simon, Kamal, Archana, Birenbaum, Jeffrey, Sears, Adam P, Hover, David, Gudmundsen, Ted J., Rosenberg, Danna, Samach, Gabriel, Weber, S, Yoder, Jonilyn L., Orlando, Terry P., Clarke, John, Kerman, Andrew J., Oliver, William D.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 2016
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