
Chemistry, Pharmacy and Other Allied Subjects—Indian Hemp Constituents—Guttapercha from Leaves—Antipyrin as a Poison—Anti-Choleraic Serum—Two Kinds of X Rays—Oxygen Gas as a Restorative—Pepsin Digestion—Aseptic Surgical Catgut—Mercuric Cyanide in Ophthalmic Practice—Endosine in Intestinal Catarrh—Quinosol: A New Antiseptic—Malakin in Acute Rheumatism — Electric Treatment of Diabetes—Mustard Oil as a Poison in Trinidad—Tuberculosis in Goats—The X Rays in Dentistry—The Action of the Röntgen Rays on Certain Microbes—Diagnostic Value of the X Rays—"Photographing Thought"

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Bose, Chuni Lal
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Thacker 1896
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