
Performance comparison of next-generation sequencing platforms for determining HIV-1 coreceptor use

The coreceptor used by HIV-1 must be determined before a CCR5 antagonist, part of the arsenal of antiretroviral drugs, is prescribed because viruses that enter cells using the CXCR4 coreceptor are responsible for treatment failure. HIV-1 tropism is also correlated with disease progression and so mus...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Raymond, Stéphanie, Nicot, Florence, Jeanne, Nicolas, Delfour, Olivier, Carcenac, Romain, Lefebvre, Caroline, Cazabat, Michelle, Sauné, Karine, Delobel, Pierre, Izopet, Jacques
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 2017
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