
Isolation of primary microglia from the human post-mortem brain: effects of ante- and post-mortem variables

Microglia are key players in the central nervous system in health and disease. Much pioneering research on microglia function has been carried out in vivo with the use of genetic animal models. However, to fully understand the role of microglia in neurological and psychiatric disorders, it is crucia...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mizee, Mark R., Miedema, Suzanne S. M., van der Poel, Marlijn, Adelia, Schuurman, Karianne G., van Strien, Miriam E., Melief, Jeroen, Smolders, Joost, Hendrickx, Debbie A., Heutinck, Kirstin M., Hamann, Jörg, Huitinga, Inge
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2017
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