
The ribosome-bound quality control complex remains associated to aberrant peptides during their proteasomal targeting and interacts with Tom1 to limit protein aggregation

Protein quality control mechanisms eliminate defective polypeptides to ensure proteostasis and to avoid the toxicity of protein aggregates. In eukaryotes, the ribosome-bound quality control (RQC) complex detects aberrant nascent peptides that remain stalled in 60S ribosomal particles due to a dysfun...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Defenouillère, Quentin, Namane, Abdelkader, Mouaikel, John, Jacquier, Alain, Fromont-Racine, Micheline
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The American Society for Cell Biology 2017
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