
Pulp Revascularization: A Literature Review

Reestablishing blood flow and allowing the continuation of root development are some of the objectives of pulp revascularization. This procedure is currently indicated for teeth with incomplete root formation as an alternative to the traditional treatment of apecification, which consists of insertin...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Araújo, Pollyana Rodrigues de Souza, Silva, Luciano Barreto, Neto, Alexandrino Pereira dos Santos, Almeida de Arruda, José Alcides, Álvares, Pâmella Recco, Sobral, Ana Paula Veras, Júnior, Severino Alves, Leão, Jair Carneiro, Braz da Silva, Rodivan, Sampaio, Gerhilde Callou
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Bentham Open 2017
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