
The evolution of dual meat and milk cattle husbandry in Linearbandkeramik societies

Cattle dominate archaeozoological assemblages from the north-central Europe between the sixth and fifth millennium BC and are frequently considered as exclusively used for their meat. Dairy products may have played a greater role than previously believed. Selective pressure on the lactase persistenc...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Gillis, Rosalind E., Kovačiková, Lenka, Bréhard, Stéphanie, Guthmann, Emilie, Vostrovská, Ivana, Nohálová, Hana, Arbogast, Rose-Marie, Domboróczki, László, Pechtl, Joachim, Anders, Alexander, Marciniak, Arkadiusz, Tresset, Anne, Vigne, Jean-Denis
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The Royal Society 2017
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