
Repression of YdaS Toxin Is Mediated by Transcriptional Repressor RacR in the Cryptic rac Prophage of Escherichia coli K-12

Horizontal gene transfer is a major driving force behind the genomic diversity seen in prokaryotes. The cryptic rac prophage in Escherichia coli K-12 carries the gene for a putative transcription factor RacR, whose deletion is lethal. We have shown that the essentiality of racR in E. coli K-12 is at...

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Autores principales: Krishnamurthi, Revathy, Ghosh, Swagatha, Khedkar, Supriya, Seshasayee, Aswin Sai Narain
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Society for Microbiology 2017
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