
Preliminary results from a nationwide adult cardiology perspective for pulmonary hypertension: RegiStry on clInical outcoMe and sUrvival in pulmonaRy hypertension Groups (SIMURG)

OBJECTIVE: The present study was designed to evaluate the characteristics of pulmonary hypertension (PH) and adult cardiology practice patterns for PH in our country. METHODS: We evaluated preliminary survey data of 1501 patients with PH (females, 69%; age, 44.8±5.45) from 20 adult cardiology center...

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Autores principales: Kaymaz, Cihangir, Mutlu, Bülent, Küçükoğlu, M. Serdar, Kaya, Barış, Akdeniz, Bahri, Avcı, Burçak Kılıçkıran, Aksakal, Enbiya, Akbulut, Mehmet, Arıtürk, Zehra Atılgan, Güllülü, Sümeyye, Taçoy, Gülten Aydoğdu, Kayıkçıoğlu, Meral, Nalbantgil, Sanem, Örem, Cihan, Erer, Hatice Betül, Yüce, Murat, Ermiş, Necip, Tüfekçioğlu, Omaç, Demir, Mesut, Yılmaz, Mehmet Birhan, Kaya, Mehmet Güngör, Kültürsay, Hakan, Öngen, Zeki, Tokgözoğlu, Lale
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Kare Publishing 2017
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