
A soft X-ray free-electron laser beamline at SACLA: the light source, photon beamline and experimental station

The design and performance of a soft X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) beamline of the SPring-8 Compact free-electron LAser (SACLA) are described. The SPring-8 Compact SASE Source test accelerator, a prototype machine of SACLA, was relocated to the SACLA undulator hall for dedicated use for the soft X...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Owada, Shigeki, Togawa, Kazuaki, Inagaki, Takahiro, Hara, Toru, Tanaka, Takashi, Joti, Yasumasa, Koyama, Takahisa, Nakajima, Kyo, Ohashi, Haruhiko, Senba, Yasunori, Togashi, Tadashi, Tono, Kensuke, Yamaga, Mitsuhiro, Yumoto, Hirokatsu, Yabashi, Makina, Tanaka, Hitoshi, Ishikawa, Tetsuya
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: International Union of Crystallography 2018
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