
Diurnal and photoperiodic changes in thyrotrophin‐stimulating hormone β expression and associated regulation of deiodinase enzymes (DIO2, DIO3) in the female juvenile chicken hypothalamus

Increased thyrotrophin‐stimulating hormone β (TSHβ) expression in the pars tuberalis is assumed to be an early step in the neuroendocrine mechanism transducing photoperiodic information. The present study aimed to determine the relationship between long‐photoperiod (LP) and diurnal TSHβ gene express...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Dunn, I. C., Wilson, P. W., Shi, Y., Burt, D. W., Loudon, A. S. I., Sharp, P. J.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2017
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