
Expression profiling and intracellular localization studies of the novel Proline-, Histidine-, and Glycine-rich protein 1 suggest an essential role in gastro-intestinal epithelium and a potential clinical application in colorectal cancer diagnostics

BACKGROUND: The primary function of the intestines is the absorption of water and nutrients. Although our knowledge about these processes on the cellular level is extensive, a number of important intracellular elements remain unknown. Here, we characterize the novel proline-, histidine-, glycine-ric...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Oltedal, Satu, Skaland, Ivar, Maple-Grødem, Jodi, Tjensvoll, Kjersti, Janssen, Emiel A. M., Gilje, Bjørnar, Smaaland, Rune, Heikkilä, Reino, Nordgård, Oddmund
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2018
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