
Risk of heterosexual HIV transmission attributable to sexually transmitted infections and non-specific genital inflammation in Zambian discordant couples, 1994–2012

BACKGROUND: Studies have demonstrated the role of ulcerative and non-ulcerative sexually transmitted infections (STI) in HIV transmission/acquisition risk; less is understood about the role of non-specific inflammatory genital abnormalities. METHODS: HIV-discordant heterosexual Zambian couples were...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Wall, Kristin M, Kilembe, William, Vwalika, Bellington, Haddad, Lisa B, Hunter, Eric, Lakhi, Shabir, Chavuma, Roy, Htee Khu, Naw, Brill, Ilene, Vwalika, Cheswa, Mwananyanda, Lawrence, Chomba, Elwyn, Mulenga, Joseph, Tichacek, Amanda, Allen, Susan
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2017
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